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L&K Legend Jig

Táto jig hlava je výsledkom dlhoročných skúseností, každý jej prvok napomáha ešte lepšej úspešnosti a účinnosti lovu.

Základ tvorí v Japonsku vyrábaný háčik Maruto, ktorý je napriek tenkosti výnimočne silný, disponuje neuveriteľne precíznym ostrým hrotom, tenkou mikro bradou a ako pomenovanie napovedá, malými rozmermi. Je presne taký, aký má byť k udržaniu ryby počas zdolávania.

Celkovo zhrnuté, zdolávanie je výnimočne účinné, tenké telo háčika ani brada nespôsobujú veľkú ranu, zdolávaná dravá ryba sa ťažšie uvoľní a rybe nespôsobíme drastické poranenie.

Vďaka tvaru hlavy môže byť vhodný aj v divokých vodách a vďaka aerodynamickému tvaru možno ľahšie zaseknúť aj agresívnejšie zaberajúce dravé ryby.

Na ramienku háčika sa nenachádza olovo, ktoré bolo tradične pri zastaralých jig hlavách. Stabilné držanie nástrahy sme vyriešili drobným háčikom, na ktorý možno zavesiť aj tie najtenšie nástrahy.

Vo výbere háčikov sa nachádzajú rozmery od malých, rozmeru 6, až po 5/0 potrebných k väčším nástrahám a dravým rybám. Z hľadiska hmotností sú v ponuke háčiky od 1,5 až po 44 gramov.

Pri výbere hmotnosti nám bude nápomocná tradičná farebná škála značky L&K.

V balení sa nachádzajú farby a k nim prislúchajúce nasledovné hmotnosti:
- Biela: 1,5 - 4 - 5 gramov
- Zelená: 8 - 10 - 12 gramov
- Žltá: 15 - 18 - 22 gramov
- Červená: 30 - 36 -44 gramov

Číslo položky Odporúčaná maloobchodná cena Jednotková cena Typ Hmotnosť Veľkosť háčika Balenie
59400-104 L&K LEGEND JIG 1 4G 4KS/BAL 4.97 EUR 1.24 EUR/KS Legend Jig4 g14 ks/balenie
59400-105 L&K LEGEND JIG 1 5G 4KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.24 EUR/KS Legend Jig5 g14 ks/balenie
59400-204 L&K LEGEND JIG 2 4G 4KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.24 EUR/KS Legend Jig4 g24 ks/balenie
59400-205 L&K LEGEND JIG 2 5G 4KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.24 EUR/KS Legend Jig5 g24 ks/balenie
59400-208 L&K LEGEND JIG 2 8G 4KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.24 EUR/KS Legend Jig8 g24 ks/balenie
59400-401 L&K LEGEND JIG 4 1,5G 4KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.24 EUR/KS Legend Jig1,5 g44 ks/balenie
59400-404 L&K LEGEND JIG 4 4G 4KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.24 EUR/KS Legend Jig4 g44 ks/balenie
59400-601 L&K LEGEND JIG 6 1,5G 4KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.24 EUR/KS Legend Jig1,5 g64 ks/balenie
59401-004 L&K LEGEND JIG 1/0 4G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig4 g1/03 ks/balenie
59401-005 L&K LEGEND JIG 1/0 5G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig5 g1/03 ks/balenie
59401-008 L&K LEGEND JIG 1/0 8G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig8 g1/03 ks/balenie
59401-010 L&K LEGEND JIG 1/0 10G 3KS/BAL 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig10 g1/03 ks/balenie
59401-012 L&K LEGEND JIG 1/0 12G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig12 g1/03 ks/balenie
59402-005 L&K LEGEND JIG 2/0 5G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig5 g2/03 ks/balenie
59402-008 L&K LEGEND JIG 2/0 8G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig8 g2/03 ks/balenie
59402-010 L&K LEGEND JIG 2/0 10G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig10 g2/03 ks/balenie
59402-012 L&K LEGEND JIG 2/0 12G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig12 g2/03 ks/balenie
59403-005 L&K LEGEND JIG 3/0 5G 3KS/CBAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig5 g3/03 ks/balenie
59403-008 L&K LEGEND JIG 3/0 8G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig8 g3/03 ks/balenie
59403-010 L&K LEGEND JIG 3/0 10G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig10 g3/03 ks/balenie
59403-012 L&K LEGEND JIG 3/0 12G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig12 g3/03 ks/balenie
59404-008 L&K LEGEND JIG 4/0 8G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 5.11 EUR 1.7 EUR/KS Legend Jig8 g4/03 ks/balenie
59404-010 L&K LEGEND JIG 4/0 10G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 5.15 EUR 1.72 EUR/KS Legend Jig10 g4/03 ks/balenie
59404-012 L&K LEGEND JIG 4/0 12G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 5.11 EUR 1.7 EUR/KS Legend Jig12 g4/03 ks/balenie
59404-015 L&K LEGEND JIG 4/0 15G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 5.11 EUR 1.7 EUR/KS Legend Jig15 g4/03 ks/balenie
59404-018 L&K LEGEND JIG 4/0 18G 3KS/BAL 5.11 EUR 1.7 EUR/KS Legend Jig18 g4/03 ks/balenie
59404-022 L&K LEGEND JIG 4/0 22G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 5.11 EUR 1.7 EUR/KS Legend Jig22 g4/03 ks/balenie
59405-012 L&K LEGEND JIG 5/0 12G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig12 g5/03 ks/balenie
59405-015 L&K LEGEND JIG 5/0 15G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig15 g5/03 ks/balenie
59405-018 L&K LEGEND JIG 5/0 18G 3KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 1.66 EUR/KS Legend Jig18 g5/03 ks/balenie
59405-022 L&K LEGEND JIG 5/0 22G 2KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 2.49 EUR/KS Legend Jig22 g5/02 ks/balenie
59405-030 L&K LEGEND JIG 5/0 30G 2KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 2.49 EUR/KS Legend Jig30 g5/02 ks/balenie
59405-036 L&K LEGEND JIG 5/0 36G 2KS/BAL 4.97 EUR 2.49 EUR/KS Legend Jig36 g5/02 ks/balenie
59405-044 L&K LEGEND JIG 5/0 44G 2KS/BAL There is no unique product image for this product version, so the main product image is displayed. 4.97 EUR 2.49 EUR/KS Legend Jig44 g5/02 ks/balenie

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0.46 Eur
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3.18 Eur
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1.85 Eur
1.48 Eur
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